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Image by Kiwihug



Bible: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)


God: We believe in one God eternally existing in three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) each of whom is fully and equally God. (Deut. 6:4; John 1)

Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, is God who became flesh to reveal God to man and to give his life as an atoning sacrifice for all of the sins of all humanity for all time.  He died, was buried, and rose again to give life to all who believed. (John 1:1,14; John 3:16).

Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who brings conviction of sin, enables believers to bear spiritual fruit, and gives spiritual gifts to believers. (John 16:8, Gal. 5:22-23; 1 Cor. 12).

Humanity: We believe that humanity, was created in the image of God to be in relationship with God. (Gen. 1:26, II Cor. 5.17-18).

Salvation: We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross provides the sole basis for forgiveness of sins and salvation, which is the free gift of God’s grace. (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 3:23) 

The Church: We believe that the church is the body of Christ made up of Believers.  The church (the people) is God’s chosen vehicle through which his love can be experienced, expressed and explored. (1 Cor. 12; I Cor. 13; Matt. 28:18-20

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